# HG changeset patch # User Meredith Howard <mhoward@roomag.org> # Date 1436979951 14400 # Node ID 97c774f8e3c5780e62aa6be6c927bd41a4c84a33 # Parent c2d0bb74df5fb5fdd3b58e1a2d138dc50b6841be Add .tmux.conf diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/.tmux.conf @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +# $Id: screen-keys.conf,v 1.7 2010-07-31 11:39:13 nicm Exp $ +# +# By Nicholas Marriott. Public domain. +# +# This configuration file binds many of the common GNU screen key bindings to +# appropriate tmux key bindings. Note that for some key bindings there is no +# tmux analogue and also that this set omits binding some commands available in +# tmux but not in screen. +# +# Note this is only a selection of key bindings and they are in addition to the +# normal tmux key bindings. This is intended as an example not as to be used +# as-is. + +# Set the prefix to ^A. +unbind C-b +set -g prefix ^A +bind a send-prefix + +# Bind appropriate commands similar to screen. +# lockscreen ^X x +unbind ^X +bind ^X lock-server +unbind x +bind x lock-server + +# screen ^C c +unbind ^C +bind ^C new-window +unbind c +bind c new-window + +# detach ^D d +unbind ^D +bind ^D detach + +# displays * +unbind * +bind * list-clients + +# next ^@ ^N sp n +unbind ^@ +bind ^@ next-window +unbind ^N +bind ^N next-window +unbind " " +bind " " next-window +unbind n +bind n next-window + +# title A +unbind A +bind A command-prompt "rename-window %%" + +# other ^A +unbind ^A +bind ^A last-window + +# prev ^H ^P p ^? +unbind ^H +bind ^H previous-window +unbind ^P +bind ^P previous-window +unbind p +bind p previous-window +unbind BSpace +bind BSpace previous-window + +# windows ^W w +unbind ^W +bind ^W list-windows +unbind w +bind w list-windows + +# quit \ +unbind '\' +bind '\' confirm-before "kill-server" + +# kill K k +unbind K +bind K confirm-before "kill-window" +unbind k +bind k confirm-before "kill-window" + +# redisplay ^L l +unbind ^L +bind ^L refresh-client + +# split -v | +unbind | +bind | split-window + +# :kB: focus up +unbind Tab +bind Tab select-pane -t:.+ +unbind BTab +bind BTab select-pane -t:.- + +# " windowlist -b +unbind '"' +bind '"' choose-window + + +unbind l + + +# $Id: vim-keys.conf,v 1.2 2010-09-18 09:36:15 nicm Exp $ +# +# vim-keys.conf, v1.2 2010/09/12 +# +# By Daniel Thau. Public domain. +# +# This configuration file binds many vi- and vim-like bindings to the +# appropriate tmux key bindings. Note that for many key bindings there is no +# tmux analogue. This is intended for tmux 1.3, which handles pane selection +# differently from the previous versions + +# split windows like vim +# vim's definition of a horizontal/vertical split is reversed from tmux's +bind s split-window -v +bind v split-window -h + +# move around panes with hjkl, as one would in vim after pressing ctrl-w +bind h select-pane -L +bind j select-pane -D +bind k select-pane -U +bind l select-pane -R + +# resize panes like vim +# feel free to change the "1" to however many lines you want to resize by, only +# one at a time can be slow +bind < resize-pane -L 3 +bind > resize-pane -R 3 +bind - resize-pane -D 3 +bind + resize-pane -U 3 + +# bind : to command-prompt like vim +# this is the default in tmux already +bind : command-prompt + +# vi-style controls for copy mode +setw -g mode-keys vi + +############ end vim-keys.conf + +## Addt'l customization +set-window-option -g mode-keys vi +bind-key h select-pane -L +bind-key j select-pane -D +bind-key k select-pane -U +bind-key l select-pane -R + +# Look good +set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color" + +# Enable mouse support (works in iTerm) +set-window-option -g mode-mouse on +set-option -g mouse-select-pane on +set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on +set-option -g mouse-select-window on + +# Change cursor in vim to distinguish between insert and command mode +set-option -g terminal-overrides '*88col*:colors=88,*256col*:colors=256,xterm*:XT:Ms=\E]52;%p1%s;%p2%s\007:Cc=\E]12;%p1%s\007:Cr=\E]112\007:Cs=\E]50;CursorShape=%?%p1%{3}%<%t%{0}%e%p1%{2}%-%;%d\007' + +# Start tab numbering at 1 +set -g base-index 1 + +# Allows for faster key repetition +set -s escape-time 0 + +set-option -g status-bg colour235 +set-option -g status-fg green + +source ~/.tmux.conf.local +