Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:08:53 -0500
rip bitbucket
# Devbox playbook This is a playbook that installs dev tools and DE tools I like to have around and sets up some other preferences like repositories, and drops in my dotfiles. It's best-tested on Debian, but has some cases for OSX and FreeBSD too. # Interesting Variables ## `gui_enabled` Install and configure GUI tools, or with vim, choose between `gtk` and `nox`. ## `disable_stock_users` Default `true`. Disable stock users like `pi` or `pine64`. ## `bootstrap_ansible_controller` Create an `ansible` user for the controller to connect as, with a public key set up and sudo permission. # Running ## Push 1. Create inventory file with target hosts, maybe extra vars - For a single host, `-i ${hostname},` works directly. 2. We'll need to be root: 1. If we can ssh as root with key, use `-u root`. 2. If we can sudo, use `-bK`. 3. `ansible-playbook -i $inventory $args playbook.yml` 4. After the first run, `ansible` management user is created. ## Pull 1. Install `ansible`, `git` 2. `ansible-pull -i localhost, -c local -U` ### cloud-init ```yaml #cloud-config packages: - ansible - git runcmd: - ansible-pull -i localhost, -c local -U ``` # TODO - Make pull config or bootstrap install cron entry?