add assign types gopls hint too default github/master tip master

more gopls config. add inlay hint toggle

Fix for no-nerdfonts experience

Add which-key.nvim and descriptions

Switch neodev -> lazydev

Change tab completion/snippet maps

fix nvim 0.10 deprecation / make required

Drop LuaSnip for vim.snippet

Bump nvim-treesitter to more recent commit

Note get_active_clients deprecation

simplify nvim-cmp setup

Update for neovim 0.10

normalize config.util.autocmd

set up nvim-dap etc

increase formatexpr timeout

switch to conform.nvim

Fix VimEnter/vim_did_enter behavior

Make auto-prune a standalone file plugin too

use classic plugin auto-load path

Clean up stray swapfiles too

luafy AutoFmtToggle

Convert backup/undofile pruning to lua

pull out last_modified_days

luafy PruneSession

Fix signature_help toggle

Fix signature_help toggle

Match LSP maps to neovim 0.10 defs

Drop redundant treesitter-endwise init

Adjust treesitter load

One more lsp_signature change

Fix lsp_signature.nvim behavior

Load indentscope even on new nameless bufs

Add catlee/pull_diags.nvim

add .luarc.jsonc

skip luasnip/jsregexp build on windows (oops)

skip luasnip/jsregexp build on windows

Add perl ver to sdbm filename due to breakage

only do autopairs bracket endwise at end of line

switch to asdf .default-perl-modules

split out LuaSnip spec

add .default-gems for asdf-ruby

add asciidoctor and timetrap stubs

remove setup-gem-faves / gemfile

switch fidget.nvim back to main

Version-gate tmux popup (>= 3.2)

Add tmux popup bindings

Fix event key typo

nvim: switch to preferring last symver tag / add exceptions

Update for indent-blankline 3.x

fix error when unnamed buffers can't be written

add actions-preview.nvim

tmux: update DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS to fix gpg pinentry

Add autopairs with cr-only behavior, switch to treesitter-endwise

Stop misusing equalprg

neotree v3.x

Drop cmp-omni. Never resolved the double-display

Replace nvim_lsp_signature_help with lsp_signature.nvim

Add elixir-tools.nvim

Move fidget.nvim to "legacy" branch

Yeah, nix isn't for me yet.

add aqua stub

add task stub

add neo-tree

use distinct db for update checks

use nix profile install/upgrade

add setup-nix

add basic nix alternative for stubs

add direnv stub

factor out bina install

switch perltidy and cpandoc to stubs

stub reply

move stubs to own location

add just and fzf stubs, also install gum from binary

Switch vimwiki to SynologyDrive

include needs to appear before a host match (sections actually ignore indents)

remove ssh config makefile stuff

help -> vimdoc


Disable editorconfig-vim after nvim-0.9

clean up diagnostic behavior

Remove long signature previews

actually set up lsp snippets

clean up lsp config

Simplify command aliases

add nvim-treesitter-endwise

fix surprise reindent

fix up lsp mappings

tweak qf conceals for when tagfunc is fixed

remove lsp stuff from vim

Cleaner conflict resolution

Fix stopinsert

try to fix stopinsert/autowrite again

regexp match "no jump on load" filetypes

Port encrypted file edit to lua

Add neodev.nvim

remove standardrb glue now that mason-lspconfig is updated

move quickfix tweaks to after/ftplugin

unlazy indent-blankline.nvim, weird errors

continue to confuse the verymagic options

port :Grep to lua

Start porting custom commands to lua

Highlight the matched part in :ltag

clean up unused vim fns

port custom autocmds to lua

port tig plugin to lua

Switch to kanagawa until themer's jellybeans is fixed

Switch shortcut to launch goneovim

add explicit begin-completion bind

disable lsp preselect

use current format function

tweak lazy loading

more default editor switching

detect presence of nvim

I can just repeat

Apply stylua

configure stylua

Add format-on-write for elixir and go

Simplify standardrb lsp setup

Add "comment" parser

disable rubocop and formatting in solargraph, add standardrb glue

add bundled languages to avoid errors

Add treesitter for elixir support

Pretty sig help

completion fixes, but leave omni off

tweak completion a little more

drop lazy-lock.json

drop ginit.vim (its not standard for nvim)

Switch default to nvim

Make autoread more reliable

Switch to themer jellybeans

Just use illuminate default

actully, goneovim is wrong about its windows path

copy goneovim settings

tweak status lines

spin out completion.lua

Add tag and omni, fix tab again

update ginit

add goneovim settings

fvim's font rendering is small for some reason.

Add gui (fvim) settings

ensure nvim directory eixsts

include nvim files

Clean up maps

Fix space completion

Add + configure interestingwords

tweak completion

Customize LSP float diags further

Use vim-illuminate

Customize LSP more - diag behavior and symbol HL

Copy other ft and plugin settings

fsckobjects has also been a nuisance. maybe git just isn't great at integrity!

vim-polyglot has been a nuisance too often

More option fixes

Fix up tig for nvim

missed init.lua

update lock

More nvim config

Add some plugin config

Add more plain vim plugins

Further nvim work

bump ruby target

A few more maps

Add lsp-specific config

Ongoing nvim config

start nvim config

update tmux behavior

Disable mucomplete auto

add .usqlrc

shrink pager_index_lines

Add .local manpath

add ri alias

fix indented heredoc inline sql

add shfmt and scdoc stubs

add tectonic stub

add vim-fetch

add DataEmbed

Add age limit reinstall check

Try to land with my bin first


switch off of asdf-perl fork

fix for old vim version sticking around

Update for newer configs, use autostash

add gum stub

fix arg passthrough

try -kpitl

another perltidy tweak

Switch stubexec to self-invoke

Handle M1 homebrew setup if present

Switch to stubexec, handle user_dir install

add stow stub

add vg function

launch stuff from home

no typeprof

try to use the same python as hg automatically

Remove vim-lsp workaround

nowrap for vimwiki

Quicker statusline diags

Fix terminal breakage with lsp

remove notes about vimproc

gui fixes

include gvimrc

Proper split to gvimrc


better hlsearch toggle

prefer solargraph over typeprof

fix brd/brf aliases

fix for change in vim-perl

set to use my asdf-perl fork for now

remove plenv references

move to util lib

keep shell stuff in one place, distinguish by ext

clean up

use clone --single-branch

forget the minimal setup mode

retire plenv for asdf

block some autocmds in diff mode

Disable diffopt hiddenoff (newer default?) enable patience diff

Make git-histedit an alias. can use --keep-base after 2.24

fix stubexec

try a personal config

filter out shims that wont work

improve stubexec

improve this first-time install

lsp diagnostics can chill

(0) -1000 -224 tip
