1 " mjibson/sqlfmt - only does cockroachdb dialect |
1 " mjibson/sqlfmt - only does cockroachdb dialect |
2 " this kinda sucks as far as placeholders and can't pass through odd syntax |
2 " this kinda sucks as far as placeholders and can't pass through odd syntax |
3 |
3 |
4 " let &l:equalprg = "sqlfmt --use-spaces --tab-width " . &shiftwidth |
4 " let &l:formatprg = "sqlfmt --use-spaces --tab-width " . &shiftwidth |
5 " augroup SQLFMT_ERR |
5 " augroup SQLFMT_ERR |
6 " au! * <buffer> |
6 " au! * <buffer> |
7 " autocmd ShellFilterPost <buffer> if v:shell_error | undo | endif |
7 " autocmd ShellFilterPost <buffer> if v:shell_error | undo | endif |
8 " augroup END |
8 " augroup END |
9 |
9 |
10 " cpanm https://github.com/darold/pgFormatter.git |
10 " cpanm https://github.com/darold/pgFormatter.git |
11 let &l:equalprg = "pg_format -" |
11 let &l:formatprg = "pg_format -" |
12 let &l:omnifunc = "syntaxcomplete#Complete" |
12 let &l:omnifunc = "syntaxcomplete#Complete" |