
changeset 1082
child 1091
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin/qf.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+local fn = vim.fn
+local wininfo = fn.getwininfo(fn.win_getid())[1] or {}
+local is_loc = wininfo.loclist == 1
+local qftitle = wininfo.variables.quickfix_title
+vim.bo.buflisted = false
+vim.wo.concealcursor = "n"
+vim.wo.wrap = false
+-- easy close
+vim.keymap.set("n", "q", "<C-w>q", { buffer = true })
+if is_loc then
+  -- simplify noisy :ltag output
+  if qftitle and string.match(qftitle, "^ltag") then
+    -- Hide ctags regex anchors
+    fn.matchadd("Conceal", [[\m|\zs\^\\V\|\\$\ze|]])
+    -- Hide lsp tagfunc line/col seek references
+    fn.matchadd("Conceal", [[\m|\zs\\Vcall cursor(\|)\ze|]])
+    -- highlight match in line. if tagname begins with / the rest is a \v
+    -- regex. match must be between vertical bars, so its the 2nd column.
+    local tagstack = fn.gettagstack()
+    if tagstack then
+      local tagmatch = string.gsub(tagstack.items[1].tagname, "^/", "\\v", 1)
+      fn.matchadd("Underlined", [[\m|.*\zs]] .. tagmatch .. [[\m\ze.*|]])
+    end
+  end
