
changeset 828
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/tig.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+" Why this wrapper? vim :term sets $TERM to xterm but supports -256color and
+" all the suggestions for fixing that involve changing $TERM for vim itself
+" rather than just the subprocess.  Also since this runs in place we can
+" switch back after.
+func! tig#Tig(...) abort
+  call term_start(
+    \ ['/usr/bin/env', 'TERM=xterm-256color', 'tig'] + a:000,
+    \ {'curwin': 1, 'term_name': join(['!tig'] + a:000, ' '), 'exit_cb': 'tig#TigExit'}
+    \ )
+func! tig#TigBlame() abort
+  call tig#Tig('blame', '+' . line('.'), '--', expand('%'))
+func! tig#TigExit(...) abort
+  buffer #
