Sat, 08 Apr 2023 14:27:17 -0500
remove ssh config makefile stuff
local autocmd = require("config.util").autocmd local cmd = vim.cmd local fn = vim.fn local g = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("vimrc", { clear = true }) -- >> neovim specific -- Always start terminals in insert/terminal mode autocmd(g, "TermOpen", "*", cmd.startinsert) -- neovim's autoread doesn't do this by default. autocmd(g, "FocusGained", "*", cmd.checktime) -- >> autowriteall improvment -- Stopinsert on leave, or autowriteall doesn't work. autocmd(g, { "WinLeave", "FocusLost" }, "*", function() if fn.pumvisible() == 0 then cmd.stopinsert() end cmd.wa() end) -- >> auto mkpath on write autocmd(g, "BufWritePre", "*", { callback = function(ctx) if[ctx.buf].buftype == "" and not string.match(ctx.file, "^[%w]+:") then fn.mkdir(fn.fnamemodify(ctx.file, ":p:h"), "p") end end, }) -- >> auto session ? -- >> jump to last position on open local nojump = vim.regex([[mail\|commit\|rebase]]) assert(nojump, "Couldn't compile nojump regexp?") autocmd(g, "BufReadPost", "*", function() if nojump:match_str( or "") then return end local lastpos = fn.line([['"]]) if lastpos >= 1 and lastpos <= fn.line("$") then vim.cmd([[normal! g`"]]) end end) -- >> simple highlight conflict markers autocmd(g, "BufReadPost", "*", function() fn.matchadd("Error", [[\m^\([<>|]\)\{7} \@=\|^=\{7}$]]) end)