Thu, 08 Mar 2018 15:50:44 -0500
add asdf options
package ReplyStartup; use warnings; use strict; use Import::Into; sub import { my $caller = caller(0); import::into($_ => $caller) for qw( strict warnings experimentals Path::Tiny ); import::into(feature => $caller, ':5.14'); import::into('Data::Printer' => $caller, { filters => {-external => ['JSON', 'URI']}, class => {show_methods => 'public', inherited => 'public'}, }); # Run anything in in the context of # main, at compile time. eval(<<END_PERL)->(); package $caller; sub { -e \$_ && do(\$_) for glob('~/'); die \$@ if \$@; } END_PERL } 1;