Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:43:31 -0400
Windows changes -- I can cinst git + ctags + ag easily
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # vim: et sts=2 sw=2 fdm=marker # we don't yet have rbenv so keep safe for ruby 1.8 if `which git` == '' puts "please install git" exit 1 end # just checks and bails after each call def do_cmds (*cmds) cmds.each do |cmd| puts "$ #{cmd}" system( cmd ) or exit $? end end # oh-my-zsh {{{ # i have a custom theme and the omz install complains about already # having a directory there. remove, install, then revert my stuff # out of hg if Dir.exists?('.oh-my-zsh/.git') puts "oh-my-zsh already installed" else puts "Installing oh-my-zsh..." do_cmds \ 'git clone git:// .oh-my-zsh', 'hg stat -dn0 -I .oh-my-zsh/ | xargs -0 hg revert' end # }}} # plenv {{{ if Dir.exists?('.plenv') puts "plenv already installed" else puts "Installing plenv..." do_cmds \ 'git clone git:// .plenv', 'git clone git:// .plenv/plugins/perl-build/' end # }}} # rbenv {{{ if Dir.exists?('.rbenv') puts "rbenv already installed" else puts "Installing rbenv..." do_cmds \ 'git clone .rbenv', 'git clone .rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/' end # }}}