Sun, 03 Jan 2016 05:06:48 +0000
Try to avoid utf-8 if we don't seem to support it
#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -d ~/bin ]; then export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" fi if [ -d ~/.plenv ]; then export PATH="$HOME/.plenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$( plenv init - )" fi if [ -d ~/.rbenv ]; then export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$( rbenv init - )" fi if [ "$(uname -s)" = "OpenBSD" ]; then PATH="/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH" fi xcompmgr -n &>/dev/null </dev/null & xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc if [ -r ~/.Xdefaults.local ]; then xrdb -quiet -merge -DUSE_LOCAL ~/.Xdefaults fi urxvtd -q -o -f if [ -r ~/.xsessionrc.local ]; then . ~/.xsessionrc.local fi