Mon, 03 Feb 2025 15:43:25 -0600
Add zig / codelldb DAP config
local command = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command local cmd, fn = vim.cmd, vim.fn local util = require("config.util") util.calias({ -- replace default: grep = "Grep", -- typos: Q = "q", Qa = "qa", W = "w", gcd = "Gcd", hgcd = "Hgcd", -- Make the ! versions default to stay in one window + buffer: doc = "ViewDoc!", help = "ViewDocHelp!", man = "ViewDocMan!", perldoc = "ViewDocPerl!", }) command("Hgcd", function() local root = fn.systemlist("hg root 2>/dev/null")[1] if vim.v.shell_error == 0 then end end, {}) command("Gcd", function() local root = fn.systemlist("git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null")[1] if vim.v.shell_error == 0 then end end, {}) command("Grep", function(ctx) local pattern = ctx.fargs[1] or fn.expand("<cword>") local grepcmd = table.concat({ vim.o.grepprg, fn.shellescape(pattern), table.concat(vim.list_slice(ctx.fargs, 2, #ctx.fargs), " "), }, " ") fn.setqflist({}, " ", { title = grepcmd, lines = fn.systemlist(grepcmd) }) fn.setreg("/", [[\v]] .. pattern) cmd.copen() cmd.cfirst() end, { nargs = "*", complete = "file" }) -- Remove buffers for files that are gone, old, or netrw dirs command("PruneSession", function() local bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() for _, bufnr in ipairs(bufs) do local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) if name then local type = fn.getftype(name) if type == "" or type == "dir" or util.last_modified_days(name) > 30 then vim.print("pruned: " .. name) cmd.bwipeout(bufnr) end end end if not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) then cmd.bprev() end end, {})