Mon, 03 Feb 2025 15:43:25 -0600
Add zig / codelldb DAP config
local M = {} local api, fn = vim.api, vim.fn --- Bulk-define aliases. ---@param aliases table<string, string> function M.calias(aliases) for abbrev, expand in pairs(aliases) do vim.cmd.cnoreabbrev( string.format( [[<expr> %s (getcmdtype() == ":" && getcmdline() == "%s") ? "%s" : "%s"]], abbrev, abbrev, expand, abbrev ) ) end end --- Shortcut for autocmd creation. --- @param group string | number --- @param event string | string[] --- @param pattern string | string[] --- @param opts table | string | fun(ctx) `nvim_create_autocmd` options OR a function for the `callback` option OR a string for the command option function M.autocmd(group, event, pattern, opts) if type(opts) == "function" then opts = { callback = opts } elseif type(opts) == "string" then opts = { command = opts } end api.nvim_create_autocmd( event, vim.tbl_extend("keep", opts, { group = group, pattern = pattern, }) ) end function M.safe_filter_file(cmd) local errorfile = fn.tempname() vim.cmd([[silent %!]] .. cmd .. [[ 2>]] .. fn.shellescape(errorfile)) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then vim.cmd("silent undo") api.nvim_err_write("*a")) end fn.delete(errorfile) end function M.last_modified_days(fname) return (os.time() - vim.fn.getftime(fname)) / 86400 end return M