Mon, 03 Feb 2025 15:43:25 -0600
Add zig / codelldb DAP config
# vim: ft=bash # simple profile stuff that is common to both zsh and bash umask 027 HISTIGNORE="ls:cd:cd -:pwd:exit:date:privim" export MANPATH=$HOME/.man:$HOME/.local/share/man: if [ -d ~/perl5/lib ]; then eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib)" fi if [ -d /opt/homebrew ]; then eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" fi if [ -x ~/.local/bin/mise ]; then eval "$(mise activate ${ZSH_NAME:-bash})" fi if [ -x "$(command -v nvim)" ]; then export EDITOR=nvim alias vim=nvim alias view="nvim -R" else export editor=vim fi export SUDO_EDITOR=$HOME/bin/privim export LESS='Ri' export GPG_TTY="$(tty)" export PERL_CPANM_OPT='-nq --prompt' alias l='ls -lFh' #size,show type,human readable alias la='ls -lAFh' #long list,show almost all,show type,human readable alias lt='ls -ltFh' #long list,sorted by date,show type,human readable alias ll='ls -l' #long list alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' alias hgcd='cd $(hg root)' alias gcd='cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"' vg() { $EDITOR +copen -q <(ag --vimgrep "${@:?No pattern provided.}") } alias tmux-env='eval "$(tmux show-environment -s)"' alias :e=$EDITOR alias :q=exit if [ -f ~/.profile.common.local ]; then source ~/.profile.common.local fi