Fri, 24 Jan 2025 16:37:55 -0600
no more asdf reshimming
# Open a floating pane running tmux with a session named floating. If inside # that floating window, detach. bind '~' if-shell -F '#{==:#{session_name},floating}' { detach-client } { set -gF '@last_session_name' '#S' popup -d '#{pane_current_path}' -xC -yC -w70% -h70% -E 'tmux new -A -s floating' } # Normal break pane, but if inside a floating session, breaks pane back into # the most recently opened parent session. bind ! if-shell -F '#{!=:#{session_name},floating}' { break-pane } { run-shell 'bash -c "tmux break-pane -s floating -t \"$(tmux show -gvq '@last_session_name'):\""' }