
Thu, 16 Aug 2018 13:26:41 -0500

Meredith Howard <mhoward@roomag.org>
Thu, 16 Aug 2018 13:26:41 -0500
changeset 715
parent 705
child 733

Suddenly required this to build again

hs.window.animationDuration = 0

-- set up reload on modify
hs.pathwatcher.new(os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.hammerspoon/", hs.reload):start()

-- aliases and partial bindings to make life easier
local bindKey  = hs.hotkey.bind
local cmd      = hs.fnutils.partial(bindKey, {"cmd"})
local cmdShift = hs.fnutils.partial(bindKey, {"cmd", "shift"})
local cmdCtrl  = hs.fnutils.partial(bindKey, {"cmd", "ctrl"})

function focusedWindow() return hs.window.focusedWindow() or hs.window.desktop() end
function focusTo(direction) hs.window['focusWindow' .. direction](focusedWindow()) end

-- and the key bindings
cmdShift('r', hs.reload)

cmd('k',  function () focusTo('North') end)
cmd('up', function () focusTo('North') end)

cmd('j',    function () focusTo('South') end)
cmd('down', function () focusTo('South') end)

cmd('h',    function () focusTo('West') end)
cmd('left', function () focusTo('West') end)

cmd('l',     function () focusTo('East') end)
cmd('right', function () focusTo('East') end)

cmdShift('up', function () focusedWindow():maximize() end)

cmdShift('down', function () focusedWindow():minimize() end)

cmdShift('left',  function () focusedWindow():moveToUnit(hs.layout.left50) end)
cmdShift('right', function () focusedWindow():moveToUnit(hs.layout.right50) end)

cmdCtrl('left',  function () focusedWindow():moveOneScreenWest() end)
cmdCtrl('right', function () focusedWindow():moveOneScreenEast() end)

cmd('return', function ()
    tell application "iTerm"
      set newterm to index of (create window with default profile)
      tell application "System Events" to tell process "iTerm2"
        perform action "AXRaise" of window newterm
      end tell
    end tell

cmdShift('return', function () os.execute('/opt/local/bin/mvim') end)

-- cache window frames before moving?
-- save cache?
-- focus by direction is a little strict
