Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:20:33 -0600
Clean up lazy-bootstrap
-- Prune old swap, backup, and undo files at startup local fn, fs = vim.fn, vim.fs local function prune_files(path, days) local sunset = os.time() - (days * 86400) path = fs.normalize(path) if fn.getftype(path) == "" then return end for fname, type in fs.dir(path) do local fpath = fs.normalize(path .. "/" .. fname) if type == "file" and fn.getftime(fpath) < sunset then os.remove(fpath) end end end local function auto_prune() if vim.go.swapfile then prune_files(, 90) end if vim.go.backup then prune_files(vim.go.backupdir, 90) end if vim.go.undofile then prune_files(vim.go.undodir, 90) end end if vim.v.vim_did_enter then auto_prune() else vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimEnter", { pattern = "*", group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("AutoPrune", { clear = true }), callback = auto_prune, }) end