Mon, 09 Oct 2023 18:47:36 -0500
nvim: switch to preferring last symver tag / add exceptions
use lib glob('~/.lib/perl5'); use Data::Printer 1.0 { filters => ['JSON', 'URI'], class => {show_methods => 'public', inherited => 'public'}, }; use Path::Tiny; # This is extra awkward bc Data::Printer has no introspection of its config. # These values need to mirror what's set above, or defaults. my $ddp_show_private = 0; my $ddp_show_inherited = 1; sub ddp_toggle_private { my $val = ($ddp_show_private ^= 1) ? 'all' : 'public'; Data::Printer->import({class => {show_methods => $val}}); $val; } sub ddp_toggle_inherited { my $val = ($ddp_show_inherited ^= 1) ? 'public' : 'none'; Data::Printer->import({class => {inherited => $val}}); $val; } 1;