default to --help

Hide close tab buttons

catch more hotspots on tumblr

Add pentadactylrc

always show the break mark in the left column

Use breakindent if available

Fixes for trying to set up profile on OpenBSD

Merge from default mhoward-lt

add easy update option for stuff that's git-based

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Don't let xfreerdp auto-float

Merge from default mhoward-lt

status tweaks mhoward-lt

Merge from default mhoward-lt

jellybeans on gui

Chill out that cursor

Add option to source vimrc.local-pre, for adding Plugins near the beginning

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Tweak unite, shrink tagbar a little

Update and comment perltidyrc

Merge from default mhoward-lt


Update prompt is annoying

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Update, got omz files in right place

scrolloff to 4

mintty prefs

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Remove symlinks

Ugh, symlinks on windows.

Get rid of batch file for smarter shell script that can push out to win32 vim

Add vim-bufferline

Disable error highlight on new-style perl prototypes

Symlink contrib perl syntax extensions.

Add yko/mojo.vim

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Don't use any shorthand options

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Detect 256-color capable 'screen', enable mouse support too

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Set unicode stuff only if we think it's available, use better fold and vsplit chars

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Add urxvt mouse handling

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Relax the white a little

Add ag and matchit.vim to make % matching nicer

Windows changes -- I can cinst git + ctags + ag easily

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Change mail workspace to 10 mhoward-lt

Easier window navigation, disable insert-mode F-keys except F4

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Add/set up perl and ruby omnicomplete

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Add neocomplcache

merge from default mhoward-lt

group up autocmds so they can be cleared if vimrc is reloaded

better syndaemon mhoward-lt

fix defaulting to tab mode after icedove has started mhoward-lt

Merge from default mhoward-lt

Actually the hg plugin is all aliases too

(0) -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 tip
