prefer solargraph over typeprof

fix brd/brf aliases

fix for change in vim-perl

set to use my asdf-perl fork for now

remove plenv references

move to util lib

keep shell stuff in one place, distinguish by ext

clean up

use clone --single-branch

forget the minimal setup mode

retire plenv for asdf

block some autocmds in diff mode

Disable diffopt hiddenoff (newer default?) enable patience diff

Make git-histedit an alias. can use --keep-base after 2.24

fix stubexec

try a personal config

filter out shims that wont work

improve stubexec

improve this first-time install

lsp diagnostics can chill

switch to noselect

Simplify ag/grep setup

rework perltidy again

tweak tabular patterns

Fix up zsh vi mode

Add completion toggle and delay

This popup is busted and its annoying to update vimball plugins


Add sick "run anywhere ignoring bundler" hacks

Drop 'w' formatoption for text and markdown, only mail

(0) -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 tip
