Config for urlscan

config tweaking

cheaply color diffs, disable nested quote colors

tweak threading and appearance

guess pka and cert aren't always available

add auto-key-locate

fix deps

friendly name

add modeline

link pgpewrap too

make sure to unset pgp_sign_as

add gpg configs

Add gpg2

binding fixup

fix f5 pager bind

add build notes

add sasl

revert to update

pointless maps

Add perltidy

make more like hg fetch

Handy visual mode stuff

Remove git up noise

add f5 in pager

use gpg2

enable caches

add f5 sync-mailbox

support local config and extra accts, store pwd

Add guard, guard-shell

mouse-utf8 removed in 2.2

Drop auto-resize

don't mess with insert-mode arrows

Add mappings and default magic-free regex, also expand scrolloff

auto-pairs is too much trouble

drop hcache, make default

add dunstrc

prefer text/plain

add build-neomutt

add sent/drafts and smtp

just not going to get stacking right

break out roomag config

Add muttrc and mailcap

Add check for .zshrc

add asciidoctor

drop ri, add vim-asciidoc

This stuff runs under sh anyway

Use full path

cleaning up

add set-titles

Brighten active pane

Disable mouse copy-mode

Avoid ugly prompt on consoles

Quieter version check, always forget lock

use test::pretty

actually use dejavu everywhere

clean up noisier forms

(0) -300 -100 -56 +56 +100 +300 tip
