drop ri, add vim-asciidoc

This stuff runs under sh anyway

Use full path

cleaning up

add set-titles

Brighten active pane

Disable mouse copy-mode

Avoid ugly prompt on consoles

Quieter version check, always forget lock

use test::pretty

actually use dejavu everywhere

clean up noisier forms

get fonts.conf into current position

nice up bashrc and xsessionrc

Let's only need droid installed.

one last tweak

use dmenu.xft

fix up some more

support rakudobrew

fix up perltidyrc

add .eslintrc.json

use existing DDP filters

update only

Add some helpful DDP filters

Let's try all the autowrites

Make sure bundler is installed somehow

use bundler for my fave gems

Add homedir-gems

add experimentals

add schemes extension

Update hgflow to 0316d61 (v0.9.8.1~)

Nice separator when not using powerline.

Add fsckobjects = true

Update to new vim-airline repo and get jellybeans theme back

Move helper scripts into bin with common names

quieter error when no arg

add .homedir-push.sh

Temp fix indent annoyance with perl

add .homedir-setup.sh

Add some zsh options

build plugin lists so local zshrc can mess with them before loading

zgen fixes

switch to zgen

cleanup newlines

don't use vimshell enough

add file marks for 'last file by category'

add auto-pairs

imported patch mhoward-mbp

Add vimoutliner

Try to avoid utf-8 if we don't seem to support it

no reinstall default for cpanm

Add unite-session

avoid false negatives in tags

Add ctags matches for fun and method

terminate format with a newline

Nice up log output in a few places

Add .vimperatorrc

Add match for =method from Pod::Weaver, move to own file

Add elixir defs

Less noisy reply startup

always build off the base OS path

Nicer diffs

add b::keywords for reply autocomplete

add psqlrc

Add diffs to commit template

add carton and readline

maybe just 5.14

use current perl version

add .cpan-modules

add .replyrc

Add ndenv

Shorter outgoing log with glog

Add syntax match for 'fun' from F::P

remove fonts

Update hg extensions

add sessionoptions

Add some new aliases

add .myclirc

help neocomplcache with perl

Fix signify -- old settings were removed

Add some comments

configure interestingwords more

Quit opening help by mistake, and nice up bufferbar

Add vim-interestingwords

Add ctags-hook helper

add ctags helper and alias

Add git sb for short branch status

Update gitconfig alases

DRY up my *env plugins

change status fg

Make sure .ssh/mux is created

Add .tmux.conf

add method-signatures.vim

skip the pager in git-up

Add note about vimproc build

open unite inside my split

only wait 5 sec to try updating tags

verbose git-up

chdir not actually available everywhere

Handle all passed options, chdir to bindir

add regex to pick up foo => sub { style definitions

add git-up config

add .ctags

ctags tweaking

fix gcd

enable signature handling and disable workaround

.gitconfig additions

add .inputrc

Merge from default mhoward-lt

move some basics into a common profile

add include .gitconfig.local

merge from default mhoward-lt

(0) -112 +112 tip
