2014-06-15 Meredith Howard Add some funcs, hand off to auto-start.local file | diff | annotate
2014-06-13 Meredith Howard no need to fork file | diff | annotate
2014-06-13 Meredith Howard add .xsessionrc.local mhoward-lt file | diff | annotate
2014-06-13 Meredith Howard just urxvt. use notify-send file | diff | annotate
2014-06-08 Meredith Howard Make dedicated workspace for Mail mhoward-lt file | diff | annotate
2014-06-07 Meredith Howard Switch to urxvt, drop xmessage file | diff | annotate
2014-06-04 Meredith Howard Create branch mhoward-lt for host-specific stuff mhoward-lt file | diff | annotate
2014-05-27 Meredith Howard Add dotfiles file | diff | annotate
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