keep these in git-helpers


Meredith Howard <>
Sun, 31 May 2020 11:33:41 -0500 (2020-05-31)
changeset 875
parent 874
child 876

keep these in git-helpers

bin/git-ctags file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
bin/git-histedit file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/bin/git-ctags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-exit if ENV['CTAGS_SKIP']
-running_hook = ENV['CTAGS_HOOK'] || false
-ctags_cmd    = ENV['CTAGS_CMD']  || 'ctags'
-case ARGV[0]
-when 'help'
-  exec 'perldoc', '-T', $0
-when 'hook'
-  running_hook = true
-if (dir = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null`.chomp) != ''
-  list_cmd = 'git ls-files'
-  conf     = "#{dir}/.git/ctags.conf"
-elsif (dir = `hg root 2>/dev/null`.chomp) != ''
-  list_cmd = 'hg stat -Aqn'
-  conf     = "#{dir}/.hg/ctags.conf"
-  abort 'not an hg or git repository'
-target = "#{dir}/.tags"
-tmp    = "#{dir}/.tags.#{$$}~"
-opts   = File.exists?(conf) ? "--options=#{conf}" : ''
-if running_hook
-  fork and exit
-  [STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR].each {|p| p.reopen '/dev/null'}
-  sleep 5
-open(target, File::RDONLY|File::CREAT, 0644) do |f|
-  if running_hook
-    exit unless f.flock(File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB)
-    exit unless f.size == 0 || ( - f.mtime) > 60
-  end
-  system(<<-CMD) or exit $?.exitstatus
-    #{list_cmd} \
-     | #{ctags_cmd} --tag-relative -L - -f"#{tmp}" #{opts} \
-    && mv #{tmp} #{target}
-  CMD
-exit 0
-=head1 NAME
-git-ctags - run ctags on git tracked files
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- git ctags
- echo 'git ctags hook 2>/dev/null' >> .git/hooks/post-checkout &&
-   chmod +x $_
- git checkout some/branch
- CTAGS_SKIP=1 git checkout some/branch
-Create a .tags file (target) using git's list of tracked files.  If
-C<.git/ctags.conf> exists in the repo it is passed to the ctags invocation.
-When run with the C<hook> argument or C<CTAGS_HOOK> set, additional behavior is
-enabled to avoid excess re-runs during multiple VCS operations, and the work is
-moved to background as well.
-=head2 Mercurial
-Mercurial repositories are supported too, with git taking priority when finding
-a repo root.  To add a hook, in the repository C<.hg/hgrc>, add:
- [hooks]
- update = git ctags hook
-In a Mercurial repo, additional options can be put in C<.hg/ctags.conf>.
-=head2 CTAGS_SKIP
-If defined, exit immediately.
-=head2 CTAGS_HOOK
-If defined, run as a VCS hook.  This causes git-ctags to fork and exit, wait five
-seconds, then try to lock and update the tags file if it hasn't been updated in
-the last minute.
-=head2 CTAGS_CMD
-If defined, use this to invoke ctags rather than assuming C<ctags> can be found in
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/bin/git-histedit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-case ${1:-} in *help|-h)
-  exec perldoc -T $0;;
-BRANCH="$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD)"
-BASE=$(git merge-base "@{u}" "$BRANCH")
-exec git rebase --interactive --autosquash "$@" "$BASE" "$BRANCH"
-=head1 NAME
-git histedit
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  $ git histedit
-C<histedit> lets you edit the current branch using interactive rebase, but
-without actually I<moving> the fork point of your branch, avoiding the
-complications of fixing up your history and dealing with merge conflicts at the
-same time.
-See also: C<hg histedit>
