Wed, 25 Sep 2024 15:03:13 -0500
No LSP autostart when read-only
I think nvim actually threw out 'view' argc detection, I just use -R and alias
view to it.
package Autofetch; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile rel2abs); sub fetch { my ($path, $module) = @_; return if system('cpm', 'install', -L => $path, $module) == 0; system 'cpanm', -nq, -l => $path, $module; } sub cachepath { catfile(glob('~'), '.cache', 'lib', rel2abs($_[0]) =~ y|/ |-_|r); } sub modulefy { $_[0] =~ s/\.pm$//r =~ s|/|::|gr } sub import { return if our $INSTALLED++; my $path = cachepath($0); my $incpath = catfile($path, 'lib', 'perl5'); push @INC, $incpath, sub { my (undef, $file) = @_; fetch($path, modulefy($file)); return IO::File->new(catfile($incpath, $file)); }; } 1;