Wed, 25 Sep 2024 15:03:13 -0500
No LSP autostart when read-only
I think nvim actually threw out 'view' argc detection, I just use -R and alias
view to it.
func! vimrc#CommandAlias(abbrev, expand) abort execute printf('cnoreabbrev <expr> %s (getcmdtype()==":" && getcmdline()=="%s") ? "%s" : "%s"', a:abbrev, a:abbrev, a:expand, a:abbrev) endfunc func! vimrc#AutoFmtToggle() abort if &formatoptions =~# 'a' setl formatoptions-=a | echo '-a' else setl formatoptions+=a | echo '+a' endif endfunc func! vimrc#Ltag(term) abort exe "ltag " . a:term lopen endfunc " Make paths when writing, as necessary func! vimrc#MkNonExDir(file, buf) abort if empty(getbufvar(a:buf, '&buftype')) && a:file!~#'\v^\w+\:\/' let dir=fnamemodify(a:file, ':h') if !isdirectory(dir) call mkdir(dir, 'p') endif endif endfunc func! vimrc#AutoSessionCheck() abort if strlen(v:servername) > 0 && match(v:servername, 'VIM') == -1 let sessionfile = g:vimcache . "/session/" . tolower(v:servername) . ".vim" if filereadable(sessionfile) execute "source " . sessionfile endif endif endfunc func! vimrc#Grep(...) abort let pattern = get(a:000, 0, expand('<cword>')) let cmd = join([&grepprg, shellescape(pattern)] + a:000[1:], ' ') cgetexpr system(cmd) call setqflist([], 'a', {"title": cmd}) let @/ = '\v' . pattern copen cfirst endfunc func! vimrc#Gcd() abort let root = system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null')[:-2] if ! v:shell_error exec 'cd ' . root endif pwd endfunc func! vimrc#Hgcd() abort let root = system('hg root 2>/dev/null')[:-2] if ! v:shell_error exec 'cd ' . root endif pwd endfunc func! vimrc#SafeFilterFile(cmd) let errors = tempname() try exec 'silent %!' . a:cmd . ' 2>' . shellescape(errors) if v:shell_error for line in readfile(errors) echomsg line endfor endif finally call delete(errors) endtry endfunc if has('perl') func! vimrc#PruneSession() abort perl <<END_PERL my @bufs = grep { !-e $_->Name || -d _ || (-M _ >= 30) } grep { $_->Name } VIM::Buffers(); while (my $b = shift @bufs) { VIM::Msg 'pruned: ' . $b->Name, 'Comment'; VIM::DoCommand 'bwipeout ' . $b->Number; } VIM::DoCommand 'bprev' unless $curbuf->Name; END_PERL endfunc endif func! vimrc#PrepDir(path) abort if !filewritable(a:path) call mkdir(a:path, 'p', 0700) endif endfunc if has('ruby') func! s:PruneFiles(path, days) abort ruby <<END_RUBY require 'pathname' (path, days) = VIM.evaluate('[a:path, a:days]') sunset = - (days * 86400) Pathname(path).realpath.each_child do |file| file.delete if file.mtime < sunset end END_RUBY endfunc else func! s:PruneFiles(path, days) abort endfunc endif func! vimrc#PruneFiles(path, days) abort call s:PruneFiles(a:path, a:days) endfunc